Wordcount, Booksigning & Starfire Discussion Questions

It's Monday!  late, but still Monday.

Right now my Downfall master document is sitting at 6,338 words.  Pathetic? Maybe so.  My goal for this week is to double that.  Which will be a big achievement.

This Saturday I'll be up at the Happy Dragon Book Festival in Boulder, CO with Donita K. Paul and my wife, Tiffany Stockton.

Here's the details:  
Laughing Dragon Children's Book & Literacy Festival: 
June 12, 2010, Boulder, CO, 
Glenn Miller Ballroom, CU-Boulder. 

Tiff and I should get there sometime between noon and one.

Finally, if you're interested, here are 10 discussion questions I came up with for Starfire.  Answer them if you like. Or, if you would like, post your own discussion question!

1. Starfire was set in an alien culture on a strange world. How did the unfamiliar setting and words affect your enjoyment of the story?

2. Who was your favorite character? Why?

3. If you could have any of the animals or plants from Starfire as a pet, which would it be?

4. Why do you think the Saurians have such a deep fear of the stars and ancient technology?

5. If you had to classify the sides in the conflict between the Karn Empire and the Herian Dynasty, could you split it into the good guys and bad guys?

6. What do you think of the different ways Struth & Goshren represented their beliefs?

7. How do you think the actions of Struth, Goshren and Nazjen influenced Rathe’s decision?

8. Do you think that the prophecy stated the truth? If so, was it fair to leave the fate of the world in the hands of a single person?

9. Based on the information given in the book, would you have made a different decision if you were in Rathe’s place?

10. Did this story make you think about how you share your beliefs with others?


Israle Surrnak said…
Forgive me if my answers don't make sense, I haven't read the book in a while.

1. It made my love for sci-fi all the much better, surprisingly I could relate to all the characters easily!
2. Karey Or, she was interesting, mostly. She always kept me guessing what she would do next.
3. Karey Or
4. Because of some catastrophic event in the past caused by it.
5. Yes . . . and no
6. Cultist and Christian, simplified.
7. Not very much.
8. Yes.
9. No.
10. Yes.
Prescott said…
I wrote a review for Starfire, if you want to see it. http://noahsreads.blogspot.com/2010/06/starfire.html
Stuart said…
Thanks for your answers Israle. Karey Or was one of my favorite characters too. :)

Thanks for the review Noah! I'm very glad you enjoyed Starfire. :)

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